Translation Quality Standard

My English to Chinese Translation Quality Standard:

✅ No Omission: I won't omit or fail to translate any words, phrases, or sentences, including content deemed inappropriate.

✅ No Addition: I won't add any extra words, phrases, or sentences not present in the original document.

✅ No Wrong Translation: I won't inaccurately translate any words, phrases, or sentences.

✅ Matching Numbers: Numbers must match the original exactly.

✅ Consistent Terminology, Tone, and Style: Terminology, tone, and style must remain consistent within and across documents.

✅ Appropriate Punctuation: Punctuation must follow Simplified Chinese requirements.

✅ Correct Grammar: The grammar must be correct.

✅ Fluent Translation: The translation must be fluent and not a direct translation of the original; appropriate grammar usage (prepositions, conjunctions, adjectives, adverbs, etc.) is essential.

✅ No Typos: The document must have no spelling errors (turn on spell check).

✅ Proper Terminology: I will use the most appropriate professional/technical term if the term has multiple meanings.


Contact:Yi Xin



Add:Changsha, Hunan Province, CHINA